
Learn Data Science from Data School 📊

Tuesday Tip #25: Spice up your GitHub profile 🔥

Published 7 months ago • 1 min read

Hi Reader,

If I were to dedicate the next Tuesday Tip to you and the Data Science challenge you’re currently facing, what would that Tip be about?

Reply and let me know! 💌

🔗 Link of the week

Comprehensive Python Cheatsheet

This is a truly gigantic cheatsheet (thousands of lines long!) that covers dozens of Python topics from beginner to advanced. Because the information density is so high, it’s more suitable as a reference than as a primary learning tool.

If you’re just getting started with Python, I would instead recommend Python Essentials for Data Scientists, my newly updated course! 🐍

👉 Tip #25: Add a custom README to your GitHub profile

One of the most important assets as a Data Scientist is your portfolio of projects hosted on GitHub. This demonstrates your Data Science experience to potential employers, including your coding skills, your analytical skills, and your ability to communicate.

But in a competitive job market, it’s also important to make a great first impression, starting from the moment someone visits your GitHub profile.

GitHub makes this easy by allowing you to create and customize your profile README. Here are some examples:

Getting started is easy:

  1. Create a public repository with the same name as your GitHub username (like and initialize it with a README file.
  2. Edit the README file using Markdown.

That README file will automatically be displayed on your profile! Here’s mine:

If you’re having a problem with the setup, check out GitHub’s detailed instructions.


Not sure what to include in your README? Check out Awesome GitHub Profile READMEs for inspiration!

Want to add some fancy badges or widgets? This huge list of tools should help!

New to the Markdown language? Here’s GitHub’s guide to formatting text and images and my favorite Markdown cheatsheet.

If you enjoyed this week’s tip, please forward it to a friend! Takes only a few seconds, and it really helps me grow the newsletter! 🚀

See you next Tuesday!

- Kevin

P.S. How to Pick Your Life Partner (Part 2)

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Learn Data Science from Data School 📊

Kevin Markham

Join 25,000+ aspiring Data Scientists and receive Python & Data Science tips every Tuesday!

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